I joined an internet dating site recently and have been utterly amazed by some of the dysfunctionality that masquerades behind that thing called the computer terminal!I was told that it was the ‘modern way’ for newly singles but now I’m not so sure! Therein you will find characters straight out of a Shakespearean tragedy……liars, cheats (they call them ‘players’ on most sites!), people who are married and others who are so terrified of ‘speaking’ to another, that they are simply unable to give out their phone number.
“We have to be careful,” rings out the chime. True, however, I also quickly realised that many people are safe in their terminal however civil the conversation. Coming out from behind your castle wall can be terrifying.
Today’s missive is not about ‘internet dating’, it is about how modern life appears to have turned thousands of people into nervous wrecks. The UK has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. A ‘break up’ shatters someone, makes them less of a person. We are told by the media that we have lost the art of ‘parenting’. When asked what they wanted help with more than anything else, young people said ‘guidance on how to look after our children’. Have we fallen so low? Lack of self worth, lack of confidence and sad eyes……I have met them all on the dating site.
I met someone the other week who said ‘it doesn’t matter how you look if you are confident’. People want to see an air of confidence (not to be confused with arrogance), someone that appears to be in control (not to be confused with controlling), someone who has direction. I agree.
Fall in love with the mirror (not to be confused with vanity), love yourself, admire the dimple in your chin, the bald patch, the baggy eyes. They’re you. Then straighten your back, walk tall and know that only half the world will love you…….so look for the right half, be kind, be confident and say these words to yourself ‘that person didn’t like me….so what…someone else will’. Here endeth the sermon!