I got the biggest shock of my life this morning when a South African friend called to say that one of her colleagues had been eaten by a crocodile!Dr Herbert Penzhom was only 66 and was busy fixing a water pipe which supplied one of his crocodile dams (that’s the place in which they are ‘farmed’ / ‘bred’) when pipe pressure is believed to have caused him lose his balance. He fell from a dam wall and into the abyss below where he was ripped to shreds by the crocs.And my point is?
Yes, this was a tragic accident, but how often have you heard people say ‘you never know when the time will come’. It’s true isn’t it? A motivational speaker friend of mine, Clive Gott, died last week at the age of 52. But he did so much before he shed his mortal coil…..climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, completed the famous Marathon Des Sables, travelled the world and built a successful business. But how many of us are always waiting for that perfect moment before we do this, that or the other?
Today is life’s now. Life can deliver great wealth over time, but will you be in good enough health to enjoy it? Maybe you have the money but not the time. But when you get the time you might not have the money! Life is a conundrum but, one thing’s for sure, it is there to be enjoyed – it is a fruit that’s full of vitamins and goodness (a few pips as well!). But will you partake of that fruit or put off ’till tomorrow what you can’t do today, because you have a million reasons for not taking action? Remember that time worn phrase……no one ever lay on their death bed and was heard to utter the words, ‘I wish I’d worked more’. Just do it! Here endeth the sermon!