Have you ever thought how much control you relinquish to ‘other’ people without so much as a by your leave? Even worse, those ‘others’ have come to expect their position so……………….learn to challenge and don’t accept what you are told at the first pass!Some of you may well have read my earlier blog about the so-called ‘health check’ I had recently and the doctor’s suggestion that I should consider the cholesterol lowering drug Statin. I say ‘suggestion’ but, in truth, he simply said: “We could put you on Statin.” But, at no point in the conversation, did he explain what Statin was, that I even had a high cholesterol level (at least I think I did) and he failed, miserably, to point out that I was 40% below the government’s ‘concerned level’ (until I did!). How many of you would have signed off on Statin because the Doc suggested it?Religious leaders ‘preach’ from the pulpit. That, sadly, has come to have sad connotations. Again, we are told that XYZ will happen if we do not do ABC, another form of control; we relinquish personal power to ‘authority’ without so much as a second thought. When you challenge some people about their beliefs or why they do what they do, they often can’t explain or will simply say that ‘it’s part of their religion’. That’s fine so long as you have given whatever you’re doing some thought, and are not following blindly because someone has told you to do something.Modern medicine as we know it has probably only been around 70 years or so. My 84 year old mum still uses traditional remedies…..honey and lemon for colds, head over a steaming bowl to clear catarrh because, when she was a girl, they didn’t have the range of medicines we do today. She told me a story recently about her friend who was on 11 tablets a day. “When I asked her what they were for she couldn’t tell me, she didn’t know,” said Mum. Again, that is relinquishing control to the medics, the scientists. Ask questions, challenge and as Edward De Bono’s book urges, Think Before It’s Too Late!