Do you get sick and tired of bickering politicians who only seem intent on scoring points against the opposition? Well, if you want a reality check, listen to the conversation I had a few days ago!I had lunch with a man who is very senior in the Tory party, so senior in fact, that he regularly liaises with the Prime Minister himself. I said to him: “Mike (false name!), for one minute, forget the politics and tell me how it is….no point scoring, just the facts.” This is what he said: “It will take seven years to clear the UK’s overdraft. That’s not including any long term loans, just the ‘interest’ if you like.“As a country we are in as bad a shape as Greece and worse than Italy or Spain.” At first hearing that leaves you in a state of disbelief. “But isn’t Greece the country which is in a state of near collapse with riots on the streets of Athens?”. “Absolutely,” he said. “However the only difference is that the UK’s loans are at 2% interest versus Greece’s which are 7/8%. The markets do not have as much confidence in Greece’s economy as they do in the UK’s so, in truth, it is merely the lower interest rate that is giving the UK marginal advantage.
“Cameron is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. On the one hand Labour is screaming for him to spend cash in order to boost the economy through the creation of jobs. If he does that the markets will instantly check the UK by putting the overdraft interest rate up to around 7 or 8%……if he doesn’t then Labour will conveniently accuse the PM of letting the country go to the dogs by allowing unemployment to rise; they know he can’t spend money at the levels they suggest, but create a situation whereby they will generate political capital when he fails to meet their demands. Political theatre you might say.
In my humble opinion, most Members of Parliament are careerists. Maybe some of them start with honest intentions, however, they quickly get caught up in the theatre of Westminster and forget that they are there to help the country, not simply exist to put themselves in power. Maybe it’s time for a bit more Edward Do Bono thinking. He is the man who suggested that Parliaments should operate a day a week whereby politicans are only able to make positive comment. If all you had were negative thoughts then you would not be allowed to speak. Imagine, a coalition of positive thought. Now that WOULD be a day to celebrate!